Monday, April 27, 2009

Mama Wu 3

Day 6. On Wednesday, the last full day that Jenny would be with us, we went to Ginza. This is the shopping Mecca of Tokyo and I might even add, the world. We strolled the streets and bought a BIG doughnut (okay we bought a really small section of it, for more than the cost of a dozen doughnuts in the States). Then we went to Mitsukoshi, the mother of all the previously mentioned food court / grocery store places. If you like food, this place rocks! We picked up some more Kobe beef and some other sides and headed home loaded with bags. We enjoyed watching Jenny try her first bite of Kobe beef. This is usually very entertaining because most people think, “I have eaten steak before, and I may have even eaten some really good US steaks in the past, what can be so great about this one”. This thought process is usually interrupted by the first bite and boiled down to “WOW” as half of your bite literally melts in your mouth. I also found an interesting vegetable that tasted much better the first time I sampled it. I have included a picture for your benefit, because I have never seen it before and I am beting unless you love looking for new vegetable you haven't see it either. It's call an Iceplant and tastes as weird as it looks (you might need to click on it to look closer but it is covered in clear solid, water-looking like bumps)

Day 7. Mama Wu’s last day with us was pretty short. She boarded the airport limousine (still talking about the bus not the car) at noon and started her long journey back to Mesa, Arizona. We on the other hand enjoyed a quiet day of rest in preparation for a very long weekend. A very long weekend that involved a little mouse with an affinity for saying "Oh Boy", a duck that no one can understanding and a host of their various friends.