Monday, April 27, 2009

Mama Wu

As Anne mentioned, life has been busy lately and I have gotten a little behind on our blog (I have also fiendishly hidden our pictures folder to foil her blog posting prowess). But, in the words of Peter Griffin “I digest…” On 4/17 Anne’s mother came to visit us for a week. For those of you who can remember all the way back to October, she visited us in Shanghai too. Anne was nice enough to update you on the adventures we had with her mom, but due to her busy work schedule she has left the details to me.

Day 1 (more like evening 1). Jenny (aforementioned Mama Wu) arrived at the Narita airport around 5:00pm or so. Since Anne had to work, I met Jenny and we took the airport limousine to a hotel a few blocks from our apartment. The airport limousine is actually just a coach bus which is the preferred way to get to and from the airport, as it is pretty quick (1 ½ - 2hours each way) and one of the least expensive ($30.00 a person). Thirty dollars may not sound cheap to you, but trust me it is a lot better that paying the $300.00 (that’s US dollars) required to take the taxi from the airport to Tokyo. Anyways, we arrived home at 7:00pm and after briefly settling in we went across the block to enjoy Tonkatsu. As it turned out this was one of Mama Wu’s favorite meals (likely because it was delicious, but also one of the cheapest).

Day 2. On Saturday we showed Anne’s mother the Tokyo Tower, Atago Shrine, Seishoji Temple, and Zojo-ji Temple. Although it may sound like a lot, the farthest being the Tokyo Tower is only a 15 minute walk and the closest (either the Seishoji Temple or the Atago Shrine) is only a 2 minute walk. For dinner we went to a Sushi-go-round in Roppongi where among many other things, we enjoyed our new found favorite raw sea scallops.